


- Tech Directory
Directory - List of pages and technologies. Directory of Advanced Software Development - Tech Software Development and information directory to help you understand the technology. It contains the basics science to help you understand and describes the technical terms and issues.
Search in the web site to find the right technology and sources. Search information, programs, applications and source code.
International list by country - Technology Center.
Programming - Tech guide with the latest information about technology software, hardware, development and howtos. - Latest Technology and Tech News for Webmasters - Tools , Professional Solutions , Services for your Web Site - Internet, Ecommerce, Electronic Payments.
Information Contacts and additional resources
Tech - Tecni.Com Advanced Technology Solutions.
Software Software - Programming - Services, Systemas and Application Development - tutorials
tech Tech Development .Com - How to development? Learn How To Create Software - Tech news
technology Tech Directory - General information about Tech and Software Technology
Technology information for education and general reference. The guides are not related with any other company, brands, country or government that listed in the news or tech directory.
HTML is the base for web development and the creation of web pages. Learn about the html format and how to create a web page.
C Programming Language : C, C++, C#
PHP Scripts - PHP Configuration, setup, programs, connection and development - php_links - php_mysql - php_publications - php_resources - php_tools - php_tutorial - postfix_mysql - postfix_virtual
JavaScript javascript - JSON
Java Java and Open Source Community information - Java applets How to create java applications? - java SDK - java security - java tools - java links Tutorials and Reference
Windows Microsoft Windows , Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Mobile
Microsoft - Bing - Windows - microsoft corporation - Windows tips and information, programs and services from Microsoft
Linux Server Setup and Open Source Software Development - Linux Books - linux distributions - linux information - Linux News
seo Search Engine Optimization
Databases SQL, MySQL, SQLServer database
MySQL - mysql server configuration
Oracle oracle DB - database , mysql sqlplus , oracle corporation
Android OS Apps, development, Configuration - install, books, how-to, tutorials. Download Millions of Free Apps and Games in Glogle Play Store. How to configure and update android? - Android Phones and Versions.
Information Technical Information - Comments and Contacts
International Directory and country codes
Guide Tech and development guide. Tutorials with questions and answers. Source codes and how-to create, install or configure software.
News - Technology News - News Guide - The latest news and events in Technology
Domains Web Domains, hosting - internet domain registration - Web Hosting server hosting, racks, data centers hosting global Hosting in Servers - Cloud Computer
Domain Sell Internet Domains Broker, Sites, Business. Domain Value.
Hosting and Cloud Services in Google, AWS, Azure, Private Servers, Linux and AI server configuration
Ecommerce - Electronic and digital commerce and payments guide. Shopping systems. Affiliates.
Mobiles and Smart Phones
Hardware equipment and devices - PC tips - products - Mobile phones and smart devices
Mobile Apps - Android - iPhone - Mobile Phones information, apps, setup, tips and trick to configure your smart phone - SMS Messages - Android vs. iOS
voip voip hardware , voip services, ip calls - Routers, Cisco, VPN How-to - internet
Windows Professional, Home and Server Configuration, Tutorials and Development Tools
XML Use the XML to store and transfer data in structured formats.
XAML and Web Services
Social Networks - Facebook, Google Plus, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram
SOAP WebServices Development, xml XML - xaml
Firewall The Best Firewall System to controls protect your computer from unauthorized networks. How to secure systems can protects you from malicious programs, hackers and identity theft.
Technology by Country
Mobile Apps Development. Send whatsapp messages and SMS
Guide - Networking and Internet Services -
Mobile Find Mobile Phones and Phone Companies. White Pages to find phone numbers and address. Yellow Pages to find services and companies.
Send Whatsapp, Text Messages (SMS) from mobile phones, mms, multimedia messages.
List of Phone Codes and Internet Country Prefix
Marketing - Online advertising and promotion in internet
Windows XP Windows XP tips - download images - setup - drivers
Books Tech Books and References.
Perl Scripts - Perl Configuration, setup, programs, connection and development
Mobile Apps Development for Android and iOs
Postfix + MySQL Email Exim
Postfix + Virtual Domains
curl web spiders and data robots
Google - Find Mobile Phones and Apps. Google Cloud Services
VOIP - How to Voice over IP
VPN Virtual Private Networks
Tutorials - Tips, help and tutorials
Tips for Windows - tips for MS windows and keywords
Microsoft Excel - Tips for MS Excel and formulas
Tips for Office - Tools and tips for MS Office Tutorial
Tips for Outlook - Tools and tips for outlook email
Microsoft Word - MS Word tips
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Technology Directory 2025
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