

- Tech and Technology
PHP - Latest PHP Information. PHP software for Servers.
What is PHP ? PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor -
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. If you are new to PHP and want to get some idea of how it works, try the introductory tutorial . After that, check out the online manual , and the example archive sites and some of the other resources available in the links section .

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, an open source, server-side, HTML embedded scripting language used to create dynamic Web pages. In an HTML document, PHP script (similar syntax to that of Perl or C ) is enclosed within special PHP tags. Because PHP is embedded within tags, the author can jump between HTML and PHP (similar to ASP and Cold Fusion) instead of having to rely on heavy amounts of code to output HTML. And, because PHP is executed on the server, the client cannot view the PHP code.
PHP can perform any task that any CGI program can do, but its strength lies in its compatibility with many types of databases. Also, PHP can talk across networks using IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, or HTTP.
PHP was created sometime in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. During mid 1997, PHP development entered the hands of other contributors. Two of them, Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, rewrote the parser from scratch to create PHP version 3 (PHP3).

Main Information about PHP. Resources, Tools, Libraries and Tutorials. Learn PHP
PHP Links Websites with information for PHP developers - Scripts and Tools for Web Masters
PHP Publications Articles, Books and Magazinesand documentation - Is the official Site for the PHP language.
PHP Manuals and Documentation
PHP Resources Index
PHP Classes
PHP Tutorial - Learn
PHP Developer
PHP References
PHP World
PHP Resources
PHP awarded Programming Language of 2004
PHP has been awarded the Programming Language of 2004, according to the TIOBE Programming Community Index. This index uses information collected from the popular search engines, and are based on the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors.
PHP General Information and Updated References
PHP Web Sites
Tutorial on PHP and mySQL
apache php information and resources at open source IT
Cetus Links 15,673 Links on Objects and Components - PHP
Club of the developers PHP
Code Web - [19.Aug.1999]
Core PHP by Leon Atkinson
Dynamic Web Pages with PHP
e-gineer - PHP Knowledge Base
Earth's first choice for database and web hosting -
Idea Partners, Inc.
Introductory tutorial
ionline PHP magazine
ISPs Supporting PHP
iVillage PHP Community Center
MyGuestbook - English Your resource for MySql and PHP
NeoBoard 2.0
NORMAD Solutions Inc. PHP Help Links
PHP - dewal nl
PHP 101
PHP Archives
PHP Base Library
PHP Class Libraries
PHP Code Exchange
PHP Codebase
PHP Database Enabled Websites Tutorial
PHP Hosting Companies
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP Knowledge Base
PHP tutorial
PHP Zone - The official PHP site
PHP3 Base Library - PHP Resources
PHP3 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor - Help, Tips and Tutorials for php3 Developers
phpmagazine coming soon!!! - resources for PHP developers
PX PHP Code Exchange
Resource Page PHP
Support Forum - Topics - PHP
Synaptic MicroSystems - PHP Pages
Techtalk columns Php scripting language
VH Consultants PHP classes and products
Webtoys HTML Forum PHP Message Index
PHPAddict - Where the addiction to PHP is accepted and shared freely! ;)
Yahoo! Clubs php3hypertexpreprocessor
Non-English PHP Sites Bosnian site with PHP and SQL manual, tutorials, scripts, forum, mailing list, tools, books Brazilian
PHP Brazilian PHP portal with many links and information Chinese
Exceed PHP Opensource site with PHP, MySQL and Apache tutorials, articles and scripts Croatian
PHP.izvor (PHP.source) Croatian site with news, source code, manuals, beginners guides, forums, questions and answers, on-line help for programmers, polls, tools, etc. Czech Republic
PHP tricks Weblog about PHP programming Dutch
Pagina A Dutch PHP portal that lists a lot of PHP links, including free hosting Estonian
PHP Center The biggest Estonian portal site with tutorials, manual translations, discussion board, chat room, link collection, news, etc. French Home of PHP French documentation, with comprehensive technical information, and all PHP related news
phpdebutant Apprendre le PHP par l'exemple, facilement et simplement. Réservé d'abord aux débutants.
phpfr Le site de référence sur PHP en France!
phpfrance Pour tout savoir sur le PHP, en français. Vous trouverez un tutorial, des exemples, des astuces, toute la documentation nécessaire, ainsi que des forums pour poser des questions.
PHPIndex A French gateway to PHP related contents
PHPscripts-fr More than 500 PHP applications, listed and sorted
phpTeam Site traitant du PHP pour les professionels (php et flash, mysql, postgresql, pear)
FAQ of the French PHP newsgroup : infosystemes auteurs German
PHP Center German speaking portal site with tutorials, tips and tricks, job advertisements, articles and more
PHP-Homepage German site about PHP with scripts, tips, forums, MyGuestBook, articles, news and more
Dynamic-Webpages German site with installation guides, tips and scripts, BestOfGML, WhoIsWho - a view on german PHP-cracks, german manual, book reviews, links and more
PHPCrawler Searchengine over German PHP-sites with webaccess to newsgroups
PHPWelt A German website using PHP to offer free services, a huge script-archive, free scripts, tutorials and many more German PHP resource (especially for newbies)
develnet Some German tutorials about PHP
SelfPHP German function reference for PHP like SelfHTML for HTML German site about PHPGTK This german php community gives you everything you need. A large script-archive, lots of tutorials and a qualified moderated forum that answers nearly all your question
phpreferenz DE Free printable workshops for PHP newcomers Hungarian Starting point for Hungarian and International PHP sites
Weblabor Fresh news, articles, links and mailing lists from the world of web development and PHP Italian
Free PHP HTML it The biggest Italian speaking source for PHP: daily updated links to scripts, articles, tutorials and many other resources.
Tutorials it An Italian site that provides a variety of developer tutorials, with a small PHP section
PHPcenter it An Italian-language PHP site that features a variety of projects, reviews, courses, tutorials and other resources.
Risorse net Section of an Italian site that provides tutorials about PHP, hundreds of scripts, books and a list of free and pay webhosts which support PHP Norwegian ( Sindrem Norwegian site for newbies and intermediates. Installation help and scripts. Persian A site about PHP for Iranians, with news and forums. Polish Daily updated website with articles, translations, the biggest PHP Polish forum, dedicated IRC server, legal information section, etc. Portuguese
Cidadela The PHP section of Cidadela provides articles, tutorials, a help forum, and an Application Market.
PHPromania net Romanian PHP Community, articles, tutorials, online discussions and forums.
phpclub net International PHPClub community based in Russia. Forums, articles, lessons, consulting.
php net ua PHP in Russian. Full Russian documentation. Swedish
phpportalen net A Swedish PHP portal with articles, news, forums and much more

PHP Publications

PHP Articles, Books and Magazines
Planet PHP Las ultimas noticias y weblogs relacionados con el PHP
PHP Magazines
Direction - PHP Direction - PHP is a monthly French speaking magazine, dedicated to PHP and MySQL. It covers industry news and technology reviews. It is mainly downloaded by professionnals, in PDF format.
php - architect The first monthly English magazine about PHP, distributed in PDF format
PHP Magazin The Software and Support Verlag, based in Frankfurt, Germany, has now published a magazine on PHP as a tribute to the steadily growing German PHP community (in German).
PHP Magazine An English edition of the magazine mentioned above. The PHP Magazine is published bimonthly and aimed at professional PHP users.
PHP Tunisie Magazine PHP Tunisie Magazine is a monthly French speaking magazine, distributed in PDF format and dedicated to PHP and its related technologies. It's edited by the Tunisian PHP users group.
PHP Merchandise
PHP Support Companies - A company with advanced expertise in PHP providing full PHP support (single incidents, on-call duty), software development, training, and performance measurements. -
Zend Technologies - Zend Technologies is one of the bigges companies for the PHP community and promotes PHP adoption. Founded by the authors of the Zend Engine and members of the PHP Group, Zend offers both free and commercial solutions for PHP. - - (Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP) : The AFUP was created to answer the growing need from companies to have one unique place for PHP solutions. -
PHP Québec - PHP Québec promotes PHP for professional users in Québec, Canada. Every month, companies hold sessions about their use of PHP, their customer cases and their solutions. -
New York PHP - International community supporting PHP adoption, projects and development. -
PHP Catalogs and News
Planet PHP - Latest news aggregated from PHP related weblogs. - - The PHP category in the Open Directory Project. - - PHP Books, Magazine Articles, Communities, Scripts and Programs, Softwares, Tips - - Many Links and Tutorials, Articles and FAQ about Linux, Apache Web Server, HTML, PHP, MySQL and lots more -
PHP Everywhere - Links and news about PHP and related technologies. -
PHP Resource Index - Hundreds of PHP resources, categorized and searchable -
PHP Sites Webring - Find PHP Sites within this webring! -
PHP Links Tools, Scripts, Links
List of installation kits An extensive list of installation kits setting up servers and PHP for you in minutes.
PHP Editors List A comprehensive list of editors you can use to edit PHP programs
PHP projects' merchandise A search result page with various PHP related projects' shops (not all results are necessarily PHP related!)

PHP Resources

List of PHP FAQ sites A big faq and some links about PHP and SQL
de.comp.lang.php FAQ Excellent german language FAQ about PHP
PHP Knowledge Base A growing collection of PHP related information in a searchable question and answer format.
Advanced and Complex PHP Related Sites
Codewalkers A community site dedicated to PHP developers. Includes forums, tutorials, and user submitted code. Home of the PHP Coding Contest.
DevShed - Developers Shed A good set of articles introducing various PHP concepts. Introduction to PHP. Using PHP to access databases. Search This! Quick and Dirty Search Engine with PHP and MySQL. PHP Manual Mirror.
Dotgeek A PHP and PostgreSQL community site with tutorials, articles, programming marathon and news. Developing Open Web Sites With Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP-Perl
A bunch of helpful PHP resources available here
PHP Developers' network The PHP Developers' Network was founded to provide the PHP Community with a set of solid sites that work together to promote the PHP language and provide a large resource for the community as a whole.
PHP Freaks PHP Learning Center site.
PHP Traveller PHP weblog, knowledge and link directory. Regularly updated collection of PHP resources. PHP related resources (articles, tutorials, forums, advanced search etc.) DevZone A community site for developers of all levels, including a code gallery, applications, tips, forums, tutorials and more.
PHP Scripts and Programs PHP Projects : A huge number of projects, both commercial and open source
Nexen's scripts librairy An exhaustive PHP scripts collection, with more 800 useful functions (English and French).
PHP Foundry at SourceForge A great number of open source PHP projects actively developed
PX - PHP Code Exchange The PHP Code Exchange is a great place to start. Here you'll find many example scripts and useful functions, organized for easy finding. Includes a search function
The PHP Classes Repository Useful PHP classes in a categorized listing
PHP Video and audio
DVD PHP Québec The PHP Québec DVD was shot during the Montréal sessions, in . It gathers 6 hours of advanced technics sessions, subtitled in French and English.
CD-ROM PHP Québec The PHP Québec CD-ROM was recorded during the Montréal sessions, in 2004. It gathers 21 hours of advanced technics sessions in audio format, with the slides.
PHP Setup and Authoring Tools
List of installation kits An extensive list of installation kits setting up servers and PHP for you in minutes.
> PHP Editors List A comprehensive list of editors you can use to edit PHP programs
Companies that provide commercial tools for PHP
ActiveState, a division of Sophos, produces Komodo, a professional integrated development environment (IDE) for open source languages.
InterAKT Online Dreamweaver Extensions InterAKT Online provides quality software development tools used by tens of thousands of PHP developers around the world, including PHAkt and Krysalis.
ionCube ionCube produces PHP development and end-user tools, including the popular free PHP Accelerator and affordable encoding solutions for code protection.
Macromedia created Dreamweaver MX, a rapid web application development tool supporting PHP.
Maguma produces an IDE with debugging to speed up the development of PHP enabled websites and applications.
SourceGuardian produces tools to help commercial developers distribute their scripts safely including the popular SourceGuardian Pro for encrypting and obfuscating PHP source code.
NuSpere delivers products and services that allow companies to deploy reliable, cost-effective database-driven Internet applications and sites.
Zend Accelerator Commercial accelerator available from Zend Technologies, Inc.
After Burner Free open source accelerator available from Bware Technologies.
APC Alternative PHP Cache, Free open source accelerator available from Community Connect.
EAccelerator A fork of Turck MMCache.
ionCube PHP Accelerator A free accelerator available from ionCube.
Turck MMCache for PHP Free open source accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache from TurckSoft.
Resources and Collections
Google Development. Open Code - Directory's list of resources. PHP - Listings of many resources, including scripts and tutorials.
PHP for OSX Server - A PHP port that runs on the Macintosh OSX Server.
PHP Builder Resources - The Resource for PHP Developers - All the PHP resources you need, from our sister site.
Tutorials, Articles - Cross-platform and Portable Development With PHP - The development of a project which runs happily on both Windows (MS SQL Server) and Linux (MySQL) is examined. - Tutorials of all shapes and sizes as well as daily news briefs pointing out PHP happenings from around the Web. Founding site of the
PHP Developer's Network , which also includes with a focus on PHP security issues; and , a PHP Classes Repository.
PHP Resources - Great links from the Web Developer's Virtual Library.
PHP Start4all - A collection of tutorials, scripts, database's, free PHP hosting and Web servers. - Information on creating dynamic Web pages with PHP.
Introduction to Regular Expressions - If you think of cartoon language when you see a string like ^[grmbl]f{23}$, this is a good time to introduce yourself to regular expressions. A Web developer's job can get quite a bit easier with this powerful tool for searching and replacing.
Yahoo - Yahoo's PHP listings from the "Server Side Scripting/PHP" category.
Cetus Links: PHP - Offers well organized and easy accessible set of links to sites with PHP tutorials, examples, FAQs, newsgroups, references and forums. - The Free PHP Hosting Directory - Free PHP and MySQL hosting resources with reviews and rates, links to related sites. -
Free PHP Resources - A listing of free PHP resources including tutorials, a free book and sample chapters, articles, IDEs, FAQs and forums. - - PHP - Categorized online directory for PHP resources, scripts, and tutorials. - PHP Index Site - A PHP resource directory for scripts, tutorials, references, articles and techniques. - - Free PHP scripts, tutorials, articles, software, downloads, resources directory. - - PHP and CGI resource directory with help and discussion forums. -
ProgrammingSite : PHP section - A collection of resources for PHP programmers. - Tecfa's Php Page - Documentation, tutorials, books, applications, examples links.
Manuals, Tutorials, Articles, Docs
LinuxGuruz Tutorials PHP Manual, Docs, Forums
Open Developer Open Source technologies
PHP Wizard Tutorials, Tips
HotScripts Scripts, Tips, Books
Resource Index
Frequently updated PHP tutorials and case studies dripping with example code.
Weberdev Articles, Forums
Find Tutorials
Database Enabled Websites Tutorial
E-gineer Tutorials
Melonfire Tutorials
Editors, Tools, Applications
Desk Code Tools
IT Works - PHP Editors List
PHP Code
PHP Classes Repository
Source Forge Collection of PHP Code
Evil Walrus
Roadsend Site Manager
PHP Code Exchange
DevNewz articles - Servlets, MySQL and JDBC Drivers

PHP Tools

Only PHP - PHP Scripts and more
PHP Editors - Lots of PHP stuff here.
PHP4All - A Dutch PHP Community
NuSphere PHPEd - Integrated Development Environment for PHP
PHP Lords - PHP Portal
PHP Freaks - New PHP Site
Decatomb Production, PHP Section - A collection of selected papers, articles and tutorials for PHP developers of any levels.
WebWorkz Ware - Free PHP Scripts
DevArticles - Top quality ASP, PHP and .NET articles for the serious developer.
The PHP Loft - PHP Scripts
The PHP Talk - Everything about the PHP Language
Melonfire - PHP Tutorials
PHP Resource - Lots of PHP Scripts and more.
phpWizard - PHP Tutorials - A PHP and Perl code bank. Support the cause, submit code.
PHP resources : A good set of articles introducing various PHP concepts
PHP.CodeBase.Org - A nice all-around support site
PX - PHP Code Exchange - The PHP Code Exchange is a great place to start. Here you'll find many example scripts and useful functions, organized for easy finding. Includes a search function.
Weber Dev - Another collection of sample PHP scripts. Includes a search function.
PHPioneers/ioMetrics Scripts - A collection of PHP scripts.
PHP Base Library - The start of what looks to be a promising collection of base code for developers of large PHP sites.
PHP Center - German speaking portal site with tutorials, tips and tricks, job advertisements, articles and more.
PHP-Homepage - German site about PHP with scripts, tips, foren, MyGuestBook, articles, news and more.
Dynamic-Webpages - German site with installation guides, tips and scripts, BestOfGML, WhoIsWho - a view on german PHP-cracks, german manual, book reviews, links and more.
PHPIndex - is a french gateway to PHP related contents.
Database enabled websites tutorial - Introductory tutorial
APCS Homepage - Advanced Placement Computer Science including programming in C/C++, PHP3, and linux programming and much much more.
Linux Guruz - Linux / PHP / Mysql
PHP Articles
Beginning PHP - Learn how to generate graphics using PHP; a powerful, new scripting language.
Email Forms in PHP - Recent convert Dan Ball shows you the basics of PHP scripting by way of a simple Email submission form.
Intro to PHP - Stirling Hughes offers up a solid introduction to PHP.
PHP and Regular Expressions 101 - Guest author Mitchell Harper offers up this primer on the use of Regular Expressions in PHP.
phpHoo - In this tutorial, we start out with the basics of using MySQL with PHP and create a program with the same functionality found in Yahoo like directories. Source code of phpHoo included.
PHP/MySQL Interface for HierMenus 4 - Guest author J. "JC" Chakrabarty discusses his PHP/MySQL interface to HierMenus 4, which allows you to dynamically retrieve data that can then be used in JavaScript scripts.
Professional PHP4 XML - Join us for a cappuccino on the corner of PHP and XML, the intersection for two of the busiest streets in the Web developer community. Among the topics: transformation of XML, modifying XML, and writing XML. From Wrox.
PHP script directories
hotscripts - HotScripts: PHP Books, Magazine Articles, Communities, Scripts and Programs, Softwares, Tips.
fatscripts - FatScripts: A growing list of PHP resources, categorized and searchable.
PHP editors
dzsoft - DzSoft PHP Editor: PHP editor of my choice. I used it for all the PHPJunkYard scripts. Check it out!
phpedit - PHP Edit: nice piece of software and best of all - it's free!
Zend - Zend studio: A nice editor, but in my opinion the price is a bit high for an average user.
kate - Kate: This is a free editor for Linux users. - KDE

PHP Tutorial

PHP Tutorials
Database enabled websites tutorial Introductory tutorial
E-gineer Instructions Lots of tutorials/instructions related to Apache, PHP and MySQL
justPhukit! A collection of to PHP tutorials
Melonfire A series of PHP tutorials for novices
ONLamp Great collection of tutorials from O'Reilly
technisch web ontwerp Site with information on a PHP course at a Dutch college. Web Programming Resource - PHP Tutorials
Tutorialfind A growing list of PHP tutorials at TutorialFind
Video tutorials Video tutorials at Virtaul Training Company
Webmonkey PHP The PHP section on the famous Webmonkey tutorial site
PHP Help
Error Handling in PHP - Those pesky errors--always popping up when you least expect them.
DevShed chimes in with this two part article discussing both basic and advanced error handling techniques.
LDAP and XML in PHP4 - The Web Developer's Virtual Library serves up a generous helping of excerpts from the Wrox Press title, Professional PHP4 Programming . Topics covered include building LDAP applications in PHP, and the use of XML documents in PHP.
PHP/MySQL Tutorial - See why many people believe these packages make the world's best combination for creating data-driven sites, then get started in Web databasing the open source way.
Using PHP with Java - Another DevShed contribution, this one focused on accessing Java classes from within PHP.
Welcome to PHP - Extensive introduction to PHP scripting.
Writing Your First PHP Script: Feedback Form - This tutorial walks through making a simple feedback form, a common feature of Web sites everywhere.
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