Microsoft Word |
Microsoft Word- Tech and Technology |
Microsoft Word - Tips and Tricks - Keyword Shortcuts - |
Microsoft Word - Advanced Tips and Tricks |
Show All The Menus |
SUMMARY: Microsoft Word normally hides menu options that it thinks you won't need frequently. Here's how to turn this off and show all of the menu items.
Tired of only seeing parts of the menus when you navigate the menu bar?
Make Your Text Stand Out |
SUMMARY: Some tips on making text in Microsoft Word stand out with a marquee, flashing lights, and more. Microsoft kept the blinking and marquee light-surrounding text in Microsoft Word . As in previous versions of Microsoft Word, to give your text some interesting emphasis, highlight text, right-click, and select "Font". When the "Font" multi-tabbed dialog box appears, select "Text Effects". A list of effects will appear such as Blinking Background, Shimmer, and Sparkle Text. Select your desired effect (You can see how it will look in the Preview area) and press "OK" to close the dialog box. |
Big Icons SUMMARY: Hard to differentiate between Microsoft Word's tiny icons? Make them bigger! Are you having trouble seeing the icons in the Windows toolbar, such as the disk to save documents, the printer to print documents, etc.? If so, you can make the icons bigger.
You'll immediately see that the Microsoft Word toolbar icons have gotten big. If you like this, click "Close". If not, uncheck the box and click "Close". |
Font Selection Takes Too Long SUMMARY: If your Microsoft Word font selection takes too long, here's how to optimize this and speed it up. When you click on the font combo box in the toolbar, Word lets you choose a different font in which to type. While providing you the name of the various fonts on your system Word also shows you what the fonts look like. Although this can be a handy feature - who remembers the differences between Arial and Helvetica, anyway? - if you have a slow system or a lot of fonts, it can take some time for Word to show you the entire list of fonts. Luckily, there is a way to disable this feature, letting you select from a list of fonts without Word actually previewing what the fonts look like. Then, you can just start typing in a selected font to see how it appears.
How Many Words in the Document? SUMMARY: Find out how many words are in your Microsoft Word document. Writing an essay, a business report, or an article to a magazine or e-zine in Microsoft Word that has word count requirements? To quickly find out how many word, lines, paragraphs, and pages are in the current document, click the "Tools" menu and select "Word Count". |
How do I Insert a Copyright Symbol in My Document? SUMMARY: Insert Copyright symbols in Microsoft Word documents. Microsoft Word 2000's AutoCorrect feature can be a pain at times, but in other instances it can be quite helpful. Take copyrights and trademarks for example. Normally, you would have to go through a couple of menus to insert such symbols in your documents. As long as AutoCorrect is turned on, just typing (c), (r), or (tm) in your document should result in a copyright symbol, registered trademark, and trademark symbol being displayed, respectively. |
Easy Table Creation SUMMARY: Create a table in Microsoft Word without clicking and editing data in each cell. If you wish to display text in your Microsoft Word document in a table, you can go through and first create the table using the "Table -> Insert Table" menu, then selecting how tall and wide you want the table, then clicking on each individual table cell and entering data. However, there's a MUCH easier way. Enter your table data in your Microsoft Word document in a comma-delimited format. What does this mean? Perhaps you want a table of student names next to their grades. Enter the data like so: Pab,95 Bet,86 Al,93 Now, highlight the text and choose "Table -> Insert Table". Voila! A 2x6 table is automatically created for you. If you don't like how it looks, choose "Table -> Table Autoformat" to apply one of various designs, or go through the "Table" menu and manually edit the table's display properties. |
View in Full-Screen Mode SUMMARY: Use more of your screen real estate to edit a Microsoft Word document. Normally, when you edit a document in Microsoft Word , some of the screen is taken up with toolbars, a menu bar, a status bar, and your system toolbar/taskbar. To temporarily hide all of this extraneous information to solely work on your document, click "View" and select "Full Screen". Everything will disappear except your currently edited document. To go back, press the ESC key. You can also move your mouse pointer to the top of the screen to access the Microsoft Word menu. |
Key Shortcut = Function |
Ctrl+A = Select all text in a document |
Ctrl+Shift+A = Format selected text as all caps |
Ctrl+B = Bold the selected text |
Ctrl+C = Copy the selected text or object |
Ctrl+Shift+C = Copy the format of the selected text |
Ctrl+D = Display the Format - Font dialog box |
Ctrl+E = Center the selected paragraph |
Ctrl+Shift+H = Apply hidden text formatting to the selected text |
Ctrl+I = Italicize the selected text |
Ctrl+J = Justify the selected paragraph |
Ctrl+K = Insert a hyperlink within the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+K = Format select text as small caps |
Ctrl+L = Left align the selected paragraph |
Ctrl+M = Indent the selected paragraph from the left |
Ctrl+Q = Remove paragraph formatting from selected paragraph |
Ctrl+R = Right align the selected paragraph |
Ctrl+T = Apply a hanging indent to the selected paragraph |
Ctrl+U = Underline the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+D = Double-underline the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+W = Underline the selected words but not spaces |
Ctrl+V = Paste cut/copied text or object |
Ctrl+Shift+V = Paste copied format |
Ctrl+0 = Add/Remove one line space before the selected paragraph |
Ctrl+1 = Apply single-space lines to the selected text |
Ctrl+2 = Apply double-space lines to the selected text |
Ctrl+5 = Apply 1.5-space lines to the selected text |
Ctrl+Spacebar = Remove selected text's manual character formatting |
Shortcut = Function |
Ctrl+Equal Sign = Subscript the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign = Superscript the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+Q = Apply Symbol font to the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+F = Change the selected text's font |
Ctrl+Shift+P = Change the selected text's font size |
Ctrl+Shift+> = Increase the selected text's font size by one point |
Ctrl+Shift+< = Decrease the selected text's font size by one point |
Ctrl+] = Increase the selected text's font size by one point |
Ctrl+[ = Decrease the selected text's font size by one point |
Shift+Enter = Insert a line break |
Ctrl+Enter = Insert a page break |
Ctrl+Shift+Enter = Insert a section break |
Alt+Ctrl+Minus Sign = Insert an em dash |
Ctrl+Minus Sign = Insert an en dash |
Ctrl+Hyphen = Insert an optional hyphen |
Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen = Insert a nonbreaking hyphen |
Ctrl+Shift+spacebar = Insert a nonbreaking space |
Alt+Ctrl+C = Insert the copyright symbol |
Alt+Ctrl+R = Insert the registered trademark symbol |
Alt+Ctrl+Period = Insert and ellipsis |
Printing and previewing |
Shortcut = Function |
Ctrl+P = Display the File - Print dialog box |
Alt+Ctrl+I = Switch in and out of Print Preview |
Ctrl+Home = Move to the document's first preview page |
Ctrl+End = Move to the document's last preview page |
Working with styles |
Shortcut = Function |
Alt+Ctrl+K = Enable AutoFormat |
Ctrl+Shift+L = Apply the List style to the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+N = Apply the Normal style to the selected text |
Ctrl+Shift+S = Apply a style to the selected text |
Alt+Ctrl+1 = Apply the Heading 1 style to the selected text |
Alt+Ctrl+2 = Apply the Heading 2 style to the selected text |
Alt+Ctrl+3 = Apply the Heading 3 style to the selected text |
Working with tables |
Shortcut = Function |
Tab - Move to next cell in a row; Start a new row if pressed within a row's last cell |
Shift+Tab = Move to previous cell in a row |
Alt+Home = Move to the first cell in a row |
Alt+End = Move to the last cell in a row |
Alt+Page Up = Move to the first cell in a column |
Alt+Page Down = Move to the last cell in a column |
Up Arrow = Move to the previous row |
Down Arrow = Move to the next row |
Enter = Start a new paragraph within a cell |
Ctrl+Tab = Insert a tab within a cell |
Working with documents - |
Shortcut = Function |
Ctrl+N - = Open a new document that is the same type as the current or most recently opened document |
Ctrl+O = Display the File - Open dialog box |
Ctrl+W = Close the current document |
Ctrl+S = Save the current document |
Alt+Ctrl+S = Split the document window |
Alt+Shift+C = Remove the document window split |
Functions keys |
Shortcut = Function |
F1 = Display Word Help dialog box |
Shift+F1 = Open Reveal formatting dialog box or open context-sensitive Word Help |
F2 = Move selected text of object |
Shift+F2 = Copy the selected text |
F3 = Insert AutoText |
Shift+F3 = Change the case of the selected text |
F4 = Repeat last action |
Shift+F4 = Repeat Find or Go To |
F5 = Display the Edit - Go To dialog box |
Shift+F5 = Move to the last change |
F6 = Move to the next pane or frame |
Shift+F6 = Move to the previous pane or frame |
F7 = Display Tools - Spelling and Grammar dialog box |
Shift+F7 = Display the Tools - Language - Thesaurus dialog box |
F8 = Extend the selection |
Shift+F8 = Shrink the selection |
F9 = Update the selected fields |
Shift+F9 = Switch between a field code and its product |
F10 = Activate the Word menu bar |
Shift+F10 = Display the shortcut menu |
F11 = Move to the next field |
Shift+F11 = Move to the previous field |
F12 = Display the File - Save As dialog box |
Shift+F12 = Save the current document |