

Microsoft Excel

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Microsoft Excel - Tips and Tricks - Keyword Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Excel


How to format cells, rows and columns?

Keystroke = Function
[Ctrl]B = Bold the selection
[Ctrl]I = Italicize the selection
[Ctrl]U = Underline the selection
[Ctrl]5 = Strike through the selection
[Alt] and ' = Open the Style dialog box
[Ctrl]1 = Open the Format Cells dialog box
[Ctrl][Shift]~ = Apply General format
[Ctrl][Shift]$ = Apply Currency format
[Ctrl][Shift]% = Apply percentage format
[Ctrl][Shift]# = Apply Date format
[Ctrl][Shift]@ = Apply Time format
[Ctrl][Shift]! = Apply Number format
[Ctrl][Shift]^ = Apply Exponential number format
[Ctrl][Shift]& = Apply an outline border to selection
[Ctrl][Shift] and _ = Remove outline border from selection


How to move in cells?

Move to the next worksheet in a workbook = [Ctrl][Page Down]
Move to the previous worksheet in a workbook = [Ctrl][Page Up]
Cycle between open workbooks = [Ctrl][F6]
Move one cell up, down, left, or right = Arrow keys
Move to the edge of the data region = [Ctrl] and an arrow key
Move to the beginning of a row = [Home]
Move to the beginning of a worksheet = [Ctrl][Home]
Move to the end of the used portion of a worksheet = [Ctrl][End]
Move between panes in a split worksheet = [F6]
Display the active cell = [Ctrl][Backspace]
Move down a cell in a selected range = [Enter]
Move up a cell in a selected range = [Shift][Enter]
Move one cell to the left in a selected range = [Shift][Tab]
Move from corner cell to corner cell in a selected range = [Ctrl] and . (period)


How to select cells, columns and rows?

Selection techniques
Select a row = [Shift][Spacebar]
Select a column = [Ctrl][Spacebar]
Select an entire worksheet = [Ctrl]A
Select from current cell(s) to the beginning of the row = [Shift][Home]
Select from current cell(s) to last used cell in row = [Shift][End][Enter]
Select from current cell(s) to the beginning of the worksheet = [Ctrl][Shift][Home]
Select from current cell(s) to the end of the used portion of a worksheet = [Ctrl][Shift][End]
Select the data region surrounding the active cell = [Ctrl] and *
Select all cells that contain a comment = [Ctrl][Shift]O
Select cells that a selected formula directly references = [Ctrl] and [
Select formulas that directly reference the active cell = [Ctrl] and ]


How to work with documents?

Workbook basics
Open a workbook = [Ctrl]O
Create a new workbook = [Ctrl]N
Save a workbook = [Ctrl]S
Open the Save As dialog box = [F12]
Print a workbook = [Ctrl]P
Close a workbook = [Ctrl]W
Insert a new worksheet = [Shift][F11]
Hide selected rows = [Ctrl]9
Display hidden rows in selection = [Ctrl][Shift]9
Hide selected columns = [Ctrl]0
Display hidden columns in selection = [Ctrl][Shift]0
Open the Find tab of the Find And Replace dialog box = [Ctrl]F
Open the Replace tab of the Find And Replace dialog box = [Ctrl]H
Run a spelling check on a worksheet or selected text = [F7]


How to work with databases?

Working with data. Import and export files.
Complete an entry and move to the next cell = [Enter]
Insert a new line within a cell = [Alt][Enter]
Enable editing within a cell = [F2]
Fill selected cells with an entry you type = [Ctrl][Enter]
Fill data down through selected cells = [Ctrl]D
Fill data through selected cells to the right = [Ctrl]R
Create a name = [Ctrl][F3]
Insert a hyperlink = [Ctrl]K
Insert the current date = [Ctrl] and ; (semicolon)
Insert the current time = [Ctrl] and : (colon)
Cut the selected text or objects to the Clipboard = [Ctrl]X
Copy the selected text or objects to the Clipboard = [Ctrl]C
Paste the contents of the Clipboard = [Ctrl]V
Repeat last action = [Ctrl]Y
Undo last edit = [Ctrl]Z
Delete from the insertion point to the end of the line = Ctrl][Delete]
Add blank cells = [Ctrl][Shift]+
Delete selected cells = [Ctrl]- (hyphen)
Create a chart from a range of data = [F11]


How to make formulas with cells?

Formula shortcuts
Begin a formula = =
Enter a formula as an array = [Ctrl][Shift][Enter]
Display the Insert Function dialog box (Paste Function in Excel ) = [Shift][F3]
Paste a defined name into a formula = [F3]
Insert a SUM AutoSum formula = [Alt]=
Display the Function Arguments dialog box = Type a function in the Formula bar and press [Ctrl]A
Copy the value from the cell above the current cell into the current cell = [Ctrl][Shift] and "
Copy a formula from the cell above the current cell into the current cell = [Ctrl] and '
Toggle between display of formulas and cell values = [Ctrl] and `
Calculate values for sheets in all open workbooks = [F9]
Calculate values for the current worksheet = [Shift][F9]
Cancel an entry you're making in a cell or in the formula bar = [Esc]
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