


- Tech and Technology
JavaScript = JavaScript is a Cross Platform Programming Language that is executed in the browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, mozilla and safari.
JGuru JavaScript Directory
JavaSoft - JavaScript Software
Developer Java - Sun - JSP and XML
Java Boutique
Code Project - JavaScript
DevX JavaScript
Developer JavaScript Section
javascript organization
javascript in internet
Regex Regular Expression
HTML and JavaScript


Install Next.js React.js Node.js to use any json API
Javascript Terminal Command Run:
npm i -S next react react-dom isomorphic-fetch
Your package.json file should have been updated.
We’ve installed the following libraries to our project:
next : Our React framework
react : The UI library
react-dom : Attaching React to the DOM
isomorphic-fetch : Will help you make requests to API.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Technology JavaScript 2025
Most used languages among software developers globally 2024 Statista
Oracle maintains hold on JavaScript trademark InfoWorld
Surviving Google’s JavaScript rendering shift: one month later TechRadar
Top 15 Front-End Technologies in 2025 DesignRush