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Information on Internet and Domain Name Registration -

Technical Terms and slang got you confused? Below are some commonly used terms and their definitions in the domain name registration industry. If you have questions on additional terms, please email us and we will add them to the list.

Domain name - Contact Record (Id) - Registration, Name Servers (DNS), Hosting, Web Host - Whois - NIC - ISP - Modify DNS or Contacts - Pay Registry Fees - Zone file - Domain Parking - Transfer (Domain Name transfer) - Top Level Domain (TLD)

Domain Name Registration

How to Find a Domain Name. Define and search a domain name with your desired terms or keywords. Keep trying different variations to find more/better suggestions. Com. Net. Org. Variations
Domain name tips.
Avoid dashes if you plan on using radio ads or word of mouth to publicize your site show another tip.


Contact Records or Contact IDs (sometimes called Agents) are individuals or groups who represent a registrant on matters related to the registrant's domain names). There are three types of Contacts: Administrative, Technical, and Billing.
The entity listed as the Administrative, Technical, or Billing Contact is an individual or 'role' that is contacted in matters relating to the domain names. They also have the ability to Modify information pertaining to a domain name. A Contact may be a single person, a company, or organization.


DNS stands for Domain Name System. This System translates a domain name such as into the Internet Protocol (IP) numbers to find the correct web site - in this case the site for best domain. The network of computers that constitute the Internet map domain names to their corresponding IP numbers. The data is then made available to all computers and users on the Internet.

Domain name

A domain name is the core of your company's online identity. It is the address your customers will use to find information about your products and services on the web. Your domain name is yours entirely because once registered, no other party may use that identity online in that Top Level Domain.
Domain Names always have 2 or more parts, separated by dots. The part on the left is the most specific, and the part on the right is the most general. A domain name can simply be thought of as your Internet address. The Internet uses Internet Protocol IP numbers to locate other computers. Internet users would typically have a hard time remembering these long strings of numbers to find sites. Domain names were developed to allow users to name these IP addresses with easy to remember names or phrases. Our domain name - - for example is part of the Internet address for best domain.

Domain Parking

Registries require the use of name servers or hosts for every domain registered. In other words, every domain names has to be linked to a name server for it to be valid. Some people do not have they own name servers, therefore easy domains offers 'domain parking' (name parking) on its servers. It is a convenient way to hold or 'park' domain names for an extended amount of time.


This term can be used to refer to the housing of a web site, email or a domain. See Email hosting and Web Site hosting for more details.


Inter NIC currently holds an exclusive contract with the U.S. government to assign domain names for .COM, .NET and .ORG. The contract is scheduled to expire September 15, 2001. Network Solutions is the company that runs the Inter NIC registry.

IP address
IP Address. The numeric identification number that refers to a specific machine on the Internet.

IP number

IP stands for Internet protocol. A unique number consisting of 4 parts separated by dots. Every machine that is on the Internet has a unique number, which correlates to its domain name.


ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. An ISP provides access to the Internet for others via some connectivity service (s). Examples of ISPs include Easy Domain, Earthlink, Nominate, and WorldNet to name a few.


Modify is a function where contact information or DNS information can be updated to reflect new changes pertaining to a domain names. Administrative and Technical Contacts have the ability to modify domain name information.

Name Servers

A computer that performs the mapping of domain names to IP addresses. Sometimes referred to as a host server.

Name Service

(Primary or Secondary)
The domain name-to-Internet Protocol (IP) number resolution is known as Name Service. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operate name servers and provide their customers with name service when they register a domain names. Domain plus offers both primary and secondary name service for all domain names registered through us.

NIC handle

A NIC Handle is a unique identifier, which can be up to 10 alpha-numeric characters, assigned to each domain name record, contact record, and network record in Network Solutions' (InterNIC) domain names database. NIC handles should be used on registration forms whenever possible, as they save time and help to ensure accuracy in the records.

Primary Server

On Network Solutions' Domain Name Registration Agreement, the section where the registrant indicates the host name and Internet Protocol (IP) number of the name server that will contain authoritative information for the domain names and will be used to resolve that domain names to its corresponding IP number (s). The designation of "primary" means that this name server will be used first and will be relied upon before any of the other name servers that may be listed on the Domain Names Registration Agreement. The primary server section of the Agreement is a required section and the domain name registration will not be processed unless this section of the Domain Name Registration Agreement is completed properly.

Registrant (Owner)

The entity, organization, or individual listed as the owner of the domain name is also known as the registrant.


Any entity, organization, or individual that acts on behalf of a registrant regarding domain name requests or modifies is known as a registrar. Some registries require domain name requests go through a registrar. For .COM, .NET, and .ORG names, easy domain is a registrar.


The organization responsible for the actual administration and maintenance to a top-level domain is known as the registry. The registry is where registrants or registrars go for new or modify domain name requests.

Registry Fees

Most TLD registries require initial registration fees as well as annual or bi-annual renewal fees. Prices vary from cost-free to thousands of dollars per domain depending on the TLD chosen. The most commonly registered names are in the .COM, .NET, and .ORG domain and cost an initial fee of $9.90 USD, which covers the first two years. Renewal fees are $4.95 annually after the first two years. Registry fees are included in any 123domains processing fee (s).
How to pay registry fees? You can make the payment with your credit or debit cards, paypal account, bitcoin or cybercurrencies.


Registration for most domain names needs to be renewed based on some scheduled yearly interval. This gives the registrant (you) and the registry (the administrator of the Top Level Domain) an opportunity to update contact information and name registration. This usually includes payment of the registration fee (s).
You must pay a renewal fee every year. If you don't pay this at the expiration date, you will lose the domain name.

Secondary Server

On network solutions domain name registration agreement, the section where the registrant indicates the hostname and Internet Protocol (IP) number of a name server that will contain authoritative data for the domain names being registered and will resolve that domain names to its corresponding IP number (s). The designation of "secondary" indicates that the name server will be used in addition to and as a backup for the primary name server that is listed on the domain name registration Agreement.

Second Level Domain

In the Domain Name System (DNS), the next highest level of the hierarchy underneath the Top Level Domains. Our domain name - Premium Domains - for example is part of the Internet address for premium domains. The Best Domains part is the second level domain. Second level domain names are what you register by or on behalf of registrants (or owners) in a Top Level Domain registry.

Top Level Domain (TLD)

In the Domain Name System (DNS), the highest level of the hierarchy above second level domains. Our domain names - premium domain - for example is part of the Internet address for Premium Domain. The Easy Domains part is the second level domain while the .org is the Top Level Domain. Second level domain names are what you register by or on behalf of registrants (or name holders) in a Top Level Domain registry.
There are two types of Top Level Domains. The most common type is Generic or gTLD's, such as .COM, .NET, .ORG. New gTLDs such as .NOM, .INFO, or .WEB may be introduced sometime in the near future. The other type of TLD is the ccTLD (country code top level domains) which are assigned to all countries and their dependencies. Every TLD registry - generic or country code - has its own prices, policies, and procedures that registrants (name holders) in that registry are subject to. It is important to know and be prepared to accept these before registering name (s) in a particular registry.

Domain Transfer

(Domain Name transfer)
Domain names can be sold to another organization or sometimes the name of a company might change. Most registries require a process by which permission from the old owner to hand over control to the new owner is authorized. The procedure for change of ownership is known a Transfer. Policies and procedures on domain name transfer can vary from registry to registry.

Web Host

The server where your web site's html files, graphics, etc. reside is known as the web host.


Whois is a term referring to a domain name search feature for a database - typically for Top-Level domain name registries. Information such as name availability can be found through a query or search using a whois protocol (standard). Most Top-Level Domain registries maintain their own whois database containing domain name contact information.

Zone file

The group of files that reside on the domain host or name server. The zone file designates a domain, its sub-domains, and mail server. -
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